Archit Organosys Ltd started its operations in 1989, by the name of Shri Chlochem Ltd in a small of way with a few chemical molecules. Today Archit Organosys Ltd is on the forefront in the Indian Chemical Industry, producing a variety of Organic Chemicals, Pigments, Specialty Derivatives, Adhesives & Sealants.
Environment is no more a fad to be indulged in; it is and should be a prime concern of everyone. The development of an enterprise in full compliance with protection and preservation of a healthy environment is one of the highest priorities. The actual activities of the company in the region and, above all, the results achieved during several last years have provided evidence that an environment-friendly production is not a hollow phrase to the company.
We are well concerned about health and safety. We therefore strictly adhere to safety norms in our premises, laid down by various Government bodies.
The company is committed to developing and implementing the best manufacturing technology, with continuous up gradations, to achieve ‘zero impact’ on the environment